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Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet leader, has called for a change of Russia?s leadership and criticised the ruling monopoly of the United Russia party as a ?worse version of the Soviet Communist party?.

In a press conference devoted to the 20th anniversary of the attempted coup by hardliners in August 1991, he both sought to defend his historical legacy, but also scold his successors in the Kremlin.


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?Our senior management should be updated,? he told a packed hall of journalists on Wednesday. ?There comes a time when you need to get out of this rut.?

Russia?s next presidential elections are in March 2012, but the results will in all likelihood be preordained by political backroom deal-making. Dmitry Medvedev, president, and Vladimir Putin, prime minister, will decide between themselves whether Mr Putin will return for a third term as president, or whether Mr Medvedev will continue for a second term.

?If the regime behaves just to increase its own power then this is already partially authoritarian,? Mr Gorbachev said, adding that authoritarian methods of rule were called for only in special circumstances.

Mr Putin, who is Russia?s paramount political leader, heads the United Russia political party, which is likely to dominate the December parliamentary elections but is often accused of using heavy-handed tactics with the complicity of the Kremlin. Mr Gorbachev said it was time to end Soviet-style political monopolies.

He was clearly making parallels between the hardliners of yesteryear and those of today, though he stopped short of criticising Mr Putin, praising the former president now prime minister for ?bringing Russia out of the chaos of the Boris Yeltsin years?, taking a dig at his erstwhile political opponent. Yeltsin was president of Russia from 1991-99.

Mr Gorbachev?s appearance was clearly aimed at showing opponents that he was still fighting fit. The 80-year-old, who launched the perestroika reforms of the 1980s, still commands admiration in Russia, though he is rarely seen in public. While greyer and speaking with effort, he still has a quick grin and razor wit.

?You journalists, foreign and local journalists, you criticise Gorbachev, saying he was weak and flabby. But what if this weak piece of flab had not been at that particular post at the particular moment, only God knows what might have been done to us,? he said, wagging his finger with a smile.

Over the years, he has been criticised for Russia?s humiliation in the cold war, a charge he rejects, and even of being complicit in the August 1991 coup.

A number of experts, including the coup plotters, have made this charge, saying that Mr Gorbachev, who was incommunicado at his official holiday residence for three days between August 18-21, was in fact waiting to see if the coup would prevail before he took sides. The accusation was made by Yeltsin, Russia?s first president, months before he died in 2006.

Mr Gorbachev has rejected this theory, saying it was an attempt by Yeltsin to blacken his name and divert attention from his own complicity in the collapse of the USSR.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2011.

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"perestroika reforms", Gorbachev and his opinion is a f***in' crap! imho

United Russia party absolutely not like old Communist Party!

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"perestroika reforms", Gorbachev and his opinion is a f***in' crap! imho

United Russia party absolutely not like old Communist Party!

Heh...., united russia party.... )))) it is absolutely not like old Communist Party, it is much worse =)))

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Американец достаёт последнюю бутылку водки и говорит русскому:

- will you?

- я те блять вылью!!

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Американец достаёт последнюю бутылку водки и говорит русскому:

- will you?

- я те *** вылью!!

:russian: Смайл так и называется Русский =)))) Классный анекдот .

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Американец достаёт последнюю бутылку водки и говорит русскому:

- will you?

- я те *** вылью!!

При переводе гуглом первоначальный смысл не только теряется, но и трансформирутся самым неожиданным образом O_o

American gets the last bottle of vodka and Russian says:

- Will you?

- I pour those fucking!

И ещё/BTW: "In USA, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, the Party can always find YOU!"

Изменено пользователем Naz Gul
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Putin, Stalin, Gorbachev, Romanov... No difference at all.

"Homeland... Gorbachev sold your homeland in '91 to americans, son. Now homeland is where your ass is kept in warmth, son. And you know that better, than me.")

If you, americans, are still trying to struggle for "democracy and freedom", we here, in USSR Russia don't give a fck about this. No matter, who is the "tzar" or the "president" today. All we need is to feed our family and some money left for making our dreams to come true.

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And no matter, what we are called, there is a little big union between us, Russian, Ukranian, Belarusian, Cossacs, every single natoin. And I, personally, will love all of them. No matter, what the reigning power will be.

(Sorry, maybe too much of awesome afghanish weed and gin in me)

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Пишите по русски)

Ok, I will try it...

Михаил Горбачев, бывший советский лидер, призвал к изменению России? Руководство с и критике правящего монополия партии Единая Россия, как? Хуже версией советской коммунистической партии?.

В пресс-конференции, посвященной 20-летию попытку государственного переворота путем жесткой линии в августе 1991 года он и стремился защитить свое историческое наследие, но и ругать его преемников в Кремле.


На этом история

Путин наборов взгляды на Евразийский экономический союз

Россия работает над ответом на американскую визу черный список

Мнение Он оленья кожа? Т имеет значения, кто является президентом России

Россия? Мэры с Maverick мускулистые из

США тона вниз действий по России

? Наше высшее руководство должны быть обновлены,? сказал он упакован зале журналистам в среду. ? Там приходит время, когда вам нужно выйти из этой колеи.?

Россия? С очередных президентских выборов в марта 2012 года, но результаты, по всей вероятности быть предопределена политическими закулисные сделки решений. Дмитрий Медведев, президент, а Владимир Путин, премьер-министр, будут решать между собой ли г-н Путин вернется на третий срок на посту президента, то ли Медведев будет продолжаться в течение второго срока.

? Если режим ведет себя так же увеличить свою собственную власть, то это уже частично авторитарными,? Горбачев сказал, добавив, что авторитарные методы правления были названы лишь в особых обстоятельствах.

Г-н Путин, который такое Россия? Ы первостепенное политический лидер, руководители Единой России политической партии, которая, вероятно, доминирует декабрьских парламентских выборах, но часто обвиняют в использовании жесткая тактика при соучастии Кремля. Г-н Горбачев сказал, что пора положить конец советского стиля политической монополии.

Он был явно проведя параллели между сторонниками жесткой линии из прошлого, и те сегодня, хотя он и воздержался от критики Путина, прославляя бывшего президента ныне премьер-министра? Чего Россию из хаоса Бориса Ельцина?, Принимая копать его бывший политический противник. Ельцин был президентом России с 1991-99.

Г-н Горбачев? Внешний вид был явно целью показать оппонентам, что он все еще был боевой форме. 80-летний мужчина, который начал перестройку реформ 1980-х годов, все еще пользуется восхищение в России, хотя он редко появляется на публике. Хотя поседел и говорить с усилием, он до сих пор быстрой улыбкой и бритвы остроумия.

? Вы, журналисты, иностранные и местные журналисты, вы критикуете Горбачев, говоря, что он был слабым и вялым. Но что, если этот слабый кусок вялые мускулы не было в то конкретная должность в данный момент, только Бог знает, что могло бы быть сделано, чтобы нас? сказал он, кивая пальцем с улыбкой.

На протяжении многих лет, он был подвергнут критике за Россию? С унижением в холодной войне, он отвергает обвинение, и даже быть соучастниками августовского путча 1991 года.

Ряд экспертов, в том числе заговорщиков, сделали это обвинение, заявив, что г-н Горбачев, который был на связи с внешним миром своей официальной резиденции праздник в течение трех дней в период с августа 18-21, на самом деле ждет, если переворот будет иметь преимущественную силу, прежде чем он взял сторон. Обвинение было сделано Ельциным, Россия? Первый президент месяцев до его смерти в 2006 году.

Горбачев отверг эту теорию, заявив, что попытка Ельцина, чтобы очернить его имя и отвлечь внимание от своей причастности к краху СССР.

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Putin, Stalin, Gorbachev, Romanov... No difference at all.

"Homeland... Gorbachev sold your homeland in '91 to americans, son. Now homeland is where your ass is kept in warmth, son. And you know that better, than me.")

If you, americans, are still trying to struggle for "democracy and freedom", we here, in USSR Russia don't give a fck about this. No matter, who is the "tzar" or the "president" today. All we need is to feed our family and some money left for making our dreams to come true.

I am not certain I understand?

Do you not want to be free from a government or philosophy that aims to force equality of outcome?

Do you want to be ruled or governed?

Do you want to lord over your neighbors?

If so, why?

Why do you not care about the freedom of man as a whole?

Are Russians educated in the writings of Hume, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Max Stirner?

They wrote the philosophic basis of freedom, liberty and individual rights.

Я не уверен, я понимаю?

Разве вы не хотите быть свободными от правительства или философии, которая направлена ​​на силу равенство результатов?

Вы хотите, чтобы ими управляли или управляют?

Хотите господином над вашим соседям?

Если это так, то почему?

Почему вы не заботитесь о свободе человека в целом?

Неужели русские образованные в трудах Юма, Локка, Руссо, Монтескье, Макс Штирнер?

Они написали философской основе свободы, свободы и прав личности.

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I am not certain I understand?

Do you not want to be free from a government or philosophy that aims to force equality of outcome?

Do you want to be ruled or governed?

Do you want to lord over your neighbors?

If so, why?

Why do you not care about the freedom of man as a whole?

Are Russians educated in the writings of Hume, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Max Stirner?

They wrote the philosophic basis of freedom, liberty and individual rights.

It's not about politics, or goverments, or parties. We just tired to be fucked up and don't want it no more.

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I am not certain I understand?

Do you not want to be free from a government or philosophy that aims to force equality of outcome?

Do you want to be ruled or governed?

Do you want to lord over your neighbors?

If so, why?

Why do you not care about the freedom of man as a whole?

Are Russians educated in the writings of Hume, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Max Stirner?

They wrote the philosophic basis of freedom, liberty and individual rights.

You see, we live on the different sides of the world, even geografically. It doesn't mean, that someone is good and someone is bad, just disparate.

Our freedom is also a freedom. Mental freedom from the goverment, and no books are needed for that.

We just don't give a fuck about those in Kremlin. As long as their party policy doesn't intersect with our interests. And they don't give a fuck about us either.)

If some nice bill is applied, it will be ok. If one not very pleasant is - we're dodging and searching for oportunity to avoid it's consequences.

And it's fun. To dodge, to search, to make the "proper calls" to the "authoritative persons" in all speres, to "build proper links". It's also a freedom. Different form yours, american one, but still not a bit worse, i suppose =)

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I am not certain I understand?

Do you not want to be free from a government or philosophy that aims to force equality of outcome?

Do you want to be ruled or governed?

Do you want to lord over your neighbors?

If so, why?

Why do you not care about the freedom of man as a whole?

Are Russians educated in the writings of Hume, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Max Stirner?

They wrote the philosophic basis of freedom, liberty and individual rights.

Я не уверен, я понимаю?

Разве вы не хотите быть свободными от правительства или философии, которая направлена в??в??на силу равенство результатов?

Вы хотите, чтобы ими управляли или управляют?

Хотите господином над вашим соседям?

Если это так, то почему?

Почему вы не заботитесь о свободе человека в целом?

Неужели русские образованные в трудах Юма, Локка, Руссо, Монтескье, Макс Штирнер?

Они написали философской основе свободы, свободы и прав личности.

You have probably figured out that political discussions are not very popular at this forum. Out of hundreds of members only a few have cared to reply. Some did it in a highly extravagant fashion. There are zillions of sites where people would be happy to comment on the link you posted, but Mustang club doesn?t appear to be one of them.

Изменено пользователем Pingvinov
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Американец достаёт последнюю бутылку водки и говорит русскому:

- will you?

- я те *** вылью!!


Зачетный анекдот! :russian:

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Why do you not care about the freedom of man as a whole?


Freedom is mist. There is no freedom in modern world.

First sign of freedom is when you don't need money at all.

The real idea of communism that people can use any civilization products without money.

And everybody must work and produce all this products.

But people are imperfect and this idea is impossible.

All other ideas including "democratic freedom" is lie.

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You have probably figured out that political discussions are not very popular at this forum. Out of hundreds of members only a few have cared to reply. Some did it in a highly extravagant fashion. There are zillions of sites where people would be happy to comment on the link you posted, but Mustang club doesn?t appear to be one of them.

I understand Ping. I was just curious about how Russians look at the world. I did not see it as a political discussion but I guess you are correct. No harm meant. I do not get to talk to many Russians except for local immigrants... No more politics from me! lol.

Я понимаю, Ping. Я просто интересно, как русские смотрят на мир. Я не видел его в качестве политической дискуссии, но я думаю, вы правы. Никакого вреда в виду. Я не получаю поговорить многие россияне, за исключением местных иммигрантов ... Нет больше политики от меня! LOL.

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I understand Ping. I was just curious about how Russians look at the world. I did not see it as a political discussion but I guess you are correct. No harm meant. I do not get to talk to many Russians except for local immigrants... No more politics from me! lol.

As for me, nevermind. You asked - we are ready to answer and communicate.

2 Pingvinov: I don't think, that mf289 wanted to somehow provoke us or bring a disorder in our nice little forum, but if he is interested in some aspects of our life (political or whatever, but not connected with stangs), why we must ignore his questions.

I dare to suppose, that special political forums are full of "special political people", and we can provide any information from our, mustang lovers, point of view. and this is the main thing here, we have in common, our stangs. So why we can not share our opinions with our foreign friend, even if topics are not connected with cars?

I know, I know, Mustang club is out of politics, but still I think, that this is rather a "sharing the opinions on the ways of our lifes", than a "political" conversation =) And I, personally, don't try to make it as complicated, as it could seem.

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2 Pingvinov: I don't think, that mf289 wanted to somehow provoke us or bring a disorder in our nice little forum, but if he is interested in some aspects of our life (political or whatever, but not connected with stangs), why we must ignore his questions.

I dare to suppose, that special political forums are full of "special political people", and we can provide any information from our, mustang lovers, point of view. and this is the main thing here, we have in common, our stangs. So why we can not share our opinions with our foreign friend, even if topics are not connected with cars?

I know, I know, Mustang club is out of politics, but still I think, that this is rather a "sharing the opinions on the ways of our lifes", than a "political" conversation =) And I, personally, don't try to make it as complicated, as it could seem.

You read me wrong.

1.I have not said or implied that MF289 brought this subject up to provoke us in any way.

2.I have not said we must ignore his questions.

3.It goes without saying that you can share your opinion on any matter with anyone.

4.I don?t believe Mustang club members have a single point of view on much of anything outside of our hobby. For this simple reason I prefer to express my thoughts in first person singular rather than first person plural.

5.I suggested that MF289 would get a more comprehensive response to his question at specialized political boards where he is likely to get a broad spectrum of opinions on the subject of the article. This would give him a much better picture than two or three responses by my fellow-mustangers. So it goes.

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4.I don?t believe Mustang club members have a single point of view on much of anything outside of our hobby. For this simple reason I prefer to express my thoughts in first person singular rather than first person plural.

Yeah, my bad. I'll try to be more consequent in future.

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У нас чё, все хорошо знают аглицкий? =)

Извини, что не по-русски. Не хочется заставлять автора темы мучиться с переводчиком гугл. Он с русского очень посредственно берет.
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