Mery Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 (изменено) Выскочила ошибка. Вся сложность моего вопроса заключается в том, что колеса зимние у меня от прошлого кузова (покупала у Романа- Рамзеса). Прошлую зиму проездила без проблем, датчики автоматом распознались без постороннего вмешательства. Вчера были попытки привязать датчики сканером, но не вышло. В принципе не понятно - слетел датчик или он не исправен и т.д. Какие будет предположения на сей счет? Код ошибки: B124D, B1182 На будущее (может кому понадобится), партномер датчиков на 15 год: F2GZ-1A189-A Изменено 16 Ноября 2016 пользователем Mery Цитата
Lazy Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 а что говорит дилер? слышал на 6ках похожая ошибка есть Цитата
hippopony Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Маш, сканер название проблемы не выдает? Только код? Погуглил: вроде датчик. Насколько помню, на моем датчики показывали давление в каждом конкретном колесе. Посмотри, какой именно. Может тупо батарейка. Хотя ее надолго должно хватать. Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 9 hours ago, hippopony said: Маш, сканер название проблемы не выдает? Только код? Погуглил: вроде датчик. Насколько помню, на моем датчики показывали давление в каждом конкретном колесе. Посмотри, какой именно. Может тупо батарейка. Хотя ее надолго должно хватать. Название проблемы на фото) Именно так - датчики показывают давление в каждом колесе. Я тоже думаю, что скорей всего батарейка. Насколько мне известно (мне подсказали) - батарейки там впаяны и запаивать другие сложно и бессмысленно, т.к. не на долго хватит. Думаю с Димой еще не раз поковыряемся на эту тему. 9 hours ago, Lazy said: а что говорит дилер? слышал на 6ках похожая ошибка есть а ты не умничай, лучше бы что-нить дельное подсказал)) Цитата
hippopony Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 4 минуты назад, Mery сказал: Название проблемы на фото) Именно так - датчики показывают давление в каждом колесе. Я тоже думаю, что скорей всего батарейка. Насколько мне известно (мне подсказали) - батарейки там впаяны и запаивать другие сложно и бессмысленно, т.к. не на долго хватит. Думаю с Димой еще не раз поковыряемся на эту тему. Удачи!) Насколько помню по другим машинам датчики и правда необслуживаемые. Но пытливые российские автолюбители умудряются разобрать иногда)) Правда велик риск разломать его совсем в процессе разбора... Срок службы батареек должен быть очень большим. Странно, что на почти новом авто навернулись... А как у тебя сейчас выглядит экран со значениями? Понятно, какое именно колесо не передает показатели? Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Только что, hippopony сказал: Удачи!) Насколько помню по другим машинам датчики и правда необслуживаемые. Но пытливые российские автолюбители умудряются разобрать иногда)) Правда велик риск разломать его совсем в процессе разбора... Срок службы батареек должен быть очень большим. Странно, что на почти новом авто навернулись... А как у тебя сейчас выглядит экран со значениями? Понятно, какое именно колесо не передает показатели? читай внимательно мой первый пост))) диски с датчиками куплены у мустанга 11 года))) Вроде заднее левое не передает, согласно показаниям сканера. Цитата
Lazy Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 2 минуты назад, hippopony сказал: Удачи!) Насколько помню по другим машинам датчики и правда необслуживаемые. Но пытливые российские автолюбители умудряются разобрать иногда)) Правда велик риск разломать его совсем в процессе разбора... Срок службы батареек должен быть очень большим. Странно, что на почти новом авто навернулись... А как у тебя сейчас выглядит экран со значениями? Понятно, какое именно колесо не передает показатели? Леша, это же бу колеса со старого станга со старыми датчиками, я прав, Маша? Цитата
CrazyDr1v3r Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 3 минуты назад, Mery сказал: читай внимательно мой первый пост))) диски с датчиками куплены у мустанга 11 года))) Вроде заднее левое не передает, согласно показаниям сканера. За 5 лет могла батарейка и сесть. Либо менять батарейку ака колхозинг с непонятными последствиями, либо менять датчик целиком. Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 нашла на амазоне датчики, только не могу понять - это комплект из 4-х или 1 датчика Цитата
hippopony Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 48 минут назад, Mery сказал: читай внимательно мой первый пост))) диски с датчиками куплены у мустанга 11 года))) Вроде заднее левое не передает, согласно показаниям сканера. Я это понял) Они не должны отличаться принципиально. Да и 5 лет для батарейки немного. Они раньше передавали показатели? Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 (изменено) Только что, hippopony сказал: Я это понял) Они не должны отличаться принципиально. Да и 5 лет для батарейки немного. Они раньше передавали показатели? Да, прошлой зимой все было хорошо, все показывали. Изменено 7 Ноября 2016 пользователем Mery Цитата
KillBill Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 7 Ноября 2016 (изменено) BCM DTC Chart DTC Description Action B1182:00 Tire Pressure Monitoring System: No Sub Type Information GO to Pinpoint Test A B1182:55 Tire Pressure Monitoring System: Not Configured This DTC is only present when a new BCM is installed, or the BCM is flashed or reconfigured. This DTC clears when the BCM is correctly configured, all 4 TPMS sensors are trained to the BCM and the BCM self-test completes successfully. Using a diagnostic scan tool, CONFIGURE the BCM. FOLLOW all diagnostic scan tool instructions. TRAIN the TPMS sensors, REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). CARRY OUT a BCM self-test to clear the DTC. B124D:02 Tire Pressure Sensor: General Signal Failure GO to Pinpoint Test E B1182:00 Normal Operations and Fault Conditions REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). Communication between the RTM and the TPMS sensors can be interrupted by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), which causes intermittent issues that are not vehicle concerns. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is generated by electrical motors and appliance operation, cellular telephones, remote transmitters, power inverters and portable entertainment equipment. DTC Fault Trigger Conditions DTC Description Fault Trigger Conditions B1182:00 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS): No Sub Type Information Set by the BCM in continuous memory when all 4 of the tire pressure sensors are faulted, not communicating with the RTM or when sensor data is not received by the BCM from the RTM. Possible Sources Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) RTM communication concern TPMS sensor(s) GWM BCM Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Pre-checks Inspect for cell phone chargers or GPS units. Inspect for Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wheels or run-flat tires. Verify horn operation. Verify spare tire is not in use. NOTE: Make sure all aftermarket electronic equipment has been disconnected (if possible) and the customer has been questioned about the electronic equipment they may have been using in the vehicle when this concern was identified. PINPOINT TEST A : B1182:00 A1 CHECK FOR COMMUNICATION WITH THE GWM (GATEWAY MODULE A) , THE RTM (RADIO TRANSCEIVER MODULE) AND THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the Network Test. Does the GWM, the RTM and the BCM all pass the Network Test? Yes GO to A2 No DIAGNOSE the GWM, RTM or BCM does not respond to the scan tool. REFER to: Communications Network (418-00 Module Communications Network) . A2 CHECK FOR RTM (RADIO TRANSCEIVER MODULE) DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the RTM self-test. Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) present in the RTM? Yes DIAGNOSE all RTM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). GO to the DTC Chart: RTM. No GO to A3 A3 CHECK THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) STATUS (TPMS_STATUS) PID (PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION) Using a diagnostic scan tool, view the BCM TPMS_STATUS PID. Does the TPMS_STATUS PID display SYSTEM FAULT? Yes GO to A4 No GO to A6 A4 CARRY OUT THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSOR TRAINING PROCEDURE Train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did all of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). No GO to A5 A5 REPEAT THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) TRAINING NOTE: A spare tire cannot be programmed to the vehicle. If a damaged road wheel is located in the vehicle and the RTM cannot communicate with it, or if the damaged wheel has been dropped off at a repair facility, the BCM sets a TPMS sensor fault. Repair and remount the road wheel as necessary to restore system operation. If the spare tire is in use, repair and remount the road wheel as necessary to restore system operation. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation). Move the vehicle to rotate the wheels at least one-fourth of a turn. Leave the vehicle doors open. Start the sensor training procedure at a different wheel. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did any of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes If only some of the sensors trained, INSTALL a new TPMS sensor for each sensor that failed to train. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). If all the sensors trained, the concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). No GO to A6 A6 CHECK FOR CORRECT BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) OPERATION Ignition OFF. Disconnect and inspect all BCM connectors. Repair: corrosion (replace connector or terminals - clean module pins) damaged or bent pins - replace terminals or pins pushed-out pins - replace pins as necessary Connect the BCM connectors. Make sure they seat and latch correctly. Operate the system and determine if the concern is still present. Is the concern still present? Yes The sensors may not be present. DISMOUNT the tires and VERIFY the sensors are present and mounted to the wheels. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Disassembly and Assembly). If a sensor is missing, INSTALL a new sensor. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). If all the sensors are present, CHECK OASIS for any applicable Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs). If a TSB exists for this concern, DISCONTINUE this test and FOLLOW the TSBinstructions. If no Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) address this concern, Click here to access Guided Routine (BCM). No The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). B124D:02 Normal Operation and Fault Conditions REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). Communication between the RTM and the TPMS sensors can be interrupted by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), which causes intermittent issues that are not vehicle concerns. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is generated by electrical motors and appliance operation, cellular telephones, remote transmitters, power inverters and portable entertainment equipment. DTC Fault Trigger Conditions DTC Description Fault Trigger Conditions B124D:02 Tire Pressure Sensor: General Signal Failure Set by the BCM in continuous memory when 1, 2 or 3 of the tire pressure sensors are faulted, not communicating with the RTM or when sensor data is not received by theBCM from the RTM. Possible Sources Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) One or more TPMS sensors not trained TPMS sensor(s) Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Pre-checks Inspect for customer electronic devices, such as cell phone chargers or GPS units. Inspect for Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wheels or run-flat tires. Verify horn operation. Verify spare tire is not in use. PINPOINT TEST B : B124D:02 B1 CHECK THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) STATUS (TPMS_STATUS) PID (PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION) AND SENSOR IDENTIFIERS Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, view and record the following BCM Parameter Identifications (PIDs): Left Front Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_LF) Right Front Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_RF) Left Rear Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_LRO) Right Rear Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_RRO) View the BCM TPMS_STATUS PID. Does the BCM TPMS_STATUS PID display SENSOR FAULT? Yes GO to B2 No If the TPMS_STATUS PID displays SYSTEM FAULT, GO to Pinpoint Test A B2 CARRY OUT THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSOR TRAINING PROCEDURE Train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did all of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes Using a diagnostic scan tool, LOCATE the updated TPMS sensor identifiers trained to the BCM. COMPARE these values to those recorded prior to the TPMS sensor training procedure. Disregarding sensor position, any sensor identifiers not matching those retrieved from the module were changed, but not retrained. The sensors are now trained to the vehicle, diagnosis is complete. DOCUMENT all TPMS sensor identifiers on the applicable warranty claim. No GO to B3 B3 ATTEMPT TO TRAIN THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSORS AGAIN Move the vehicle to rotate the wheels at least one-fourth of a turn. Starting at a different wheel, train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did any of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes If only some of the sensors trained, INSTALL a new TPMS sensor for each sensor that failed to train. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). If all the sensors trained, the concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). No GO to B4 B4 CHECK FOR CORRECT BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) OPERATION Ignition OFF. Disconnect and inspect all BCM connectors. Repair: corrosion (replace connector or terminals - clean module pins) damaged or bent pins - replace terminals or pins pushed-out pins - replace pins as necessary Connect the BCM connectors. Make sure they seat and latch correctly. Operate the system and determine if the concern is still present. Is the concern still present? Yes The sensors may not be present. DISMOUNT the tires and VERIFY the sensors are present and mounted to the wheels. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Disassembly and Assembly). If the sensors are missing, INSTALL new sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). CLEAR the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). If all the sensors are present, CHECK OASIS for any applicable Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs). If a TSB exists for this concern, DISCONTINUE this test and FOLLOW TSBinstructions. If no Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) address this concern, Click here to access Guided Routine (BCM). No The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by module connections. ADDRESS the root cause of any connector or pin issues. CLEAR the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). DTC Fault Trigger Conditions DTC Description Fault Trigger Conditions B124D:02 Tire Pressure Sensor: General Signal Failure This DTC sets in continuous memory if any of the TPMS sensors fail to transmit any tire pressure data. Possible Sources Tire pressure not set to specifications listed on the VC label Spare tire currently in use TPMS sensor Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Pre-checks Verify the spare tire is not in use. Verify the air pressure in all 4 tires matches the pressure indicated on the VC label. PINPOINT TEST E : TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) WARNING INDICATOR IS ON CONTINUOUSLY AND THE MESSAGE CENTER DISPLAYS LOW TIRE PRESSURE E1 CHECK FOR BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Is DTC B124D:02 present? Yes GO to E2 No For other BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), GO to the DTC Chart: BCM. If there are no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) present in the BCM, GO to E3 E2 VERIFY BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) DTC (DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE) B124D:02 Using a diagnostic scan tool, clear the BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Ignition OFF. Ignition ON. Activate each TPMS sensor. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Activation (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Is DTC B124D:02 present? Yes GO to E3 No If the TPMS warning indicator is on continuously and the message center is displaying low tire pressure, GO to E3 If the TPMS warning indicator is not illuminated and the message center does not display low tire pressure, the system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). E3 CHECK FOR SPARE TIRE IN USE NOTE: A spare tire cannot be programmed to the vehicle. If a damaged road wheel is located in the vehicle and the RTM cannot communicate with it, or if the damaged wheel has been dropped off at a repair facility, the BCM sets a TPMS sensor fault. Repair and remount the road wheel as necessary to restore system operation. Check the spare tire location. Is the spare tire in use? Yes REPAIR and REMOUNT the wheel to the vehicle. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation). ADJUST tire pressures to the required pressure as defined on the VC label. No GO to E4 E4 CHECK FOR LOW TIRE PRESSURE Measure and record the pressure in all 4 tires using a digital tire pressure gauge. Adjust the pressure for those found to be below the specification listed on the VC label. To clear the low pressure warning indicator, drive the vehicle for at least 2 minutes above 32.2 km/h (20 mph) or activate each sensor at least twice. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Activation (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Do not train the sensors at this time. Has the TPMS warning indicator gone out? Yes The system is operating correctly at this time. The cause was low tire pressure. No GO to E5 E5 TRAIN ALL 4 TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSORS Train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did all of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes GO to E6 No GO to Pinpoint Test G E6 CHECK THE TIRE PRESSURES USING THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSOR PARAMETER IDENTIFICATIONS (PIDS) Using a diagnostic scan tool, view the following BCM Parameter Identifications (PIDs): Left Front Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_LF) Right Front Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_RF) Left Rear Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_LRO) Right Rear Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_RRO) Do the tire pressures indicated by the Parameter Identifications (PIDs) match the tire pressures measured previously, ±20.7 kPa (3 psi)? Yes The system is operating normally at this time. The concern may have been caused by an incomplete or incorrectly performed sensor calibration or low tire pressure. No INSTALL a new TPMS sensor(s) for the sensor(s) displaying inaccurate tire pressure. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). Изменено 7 Ноября 2016 пользователем KillBill Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 8 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 8 Ноября 2016 14 часов назад, KillBill сказал: BCM DTC Chart DTC Description Action B1182:00 Tire Pressure Monitoring System: No Sub Type Information GO to Pinpoint Test A B1182:55 Tire Pressure Monitoring System: Not Configured This DTC is only present when a new BCM is installed, or the BCM is flashed or reconfigured. This DTC clears when the BCM is correctly configured, all 4 TPMS sensors are trained to the BCM and the BCM self-test completes successfully. Using a diagnostic scan tool, CONFIGURE the BCM. FOLLOW all diagnostic scan tool instructions. TRAIN the TPMS sensors, REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). CARRY OUT a BCM self-test to clear the DTC. B124D:02 Tire Pressure Sensor: General Signal Failure GO to Pinpoint Test E Показать контент B1182:00 Normal Operations and Fault Conditions REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). Communication between the RTM and the TPMS sensors can be interrupted by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), which causes intermittent issues that are not vehicle concerns. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is generated by electrical motors and appliance operation, cellular telephones, remote transmitters, power inverters and portable entertainment equipment. DTC Fault Trigger Conditions DTC Description Fault Trigger Conditions B1182:00 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS): No Sub Type Information Set by the BCM in continuous memory when all 4 of the tire pressure sensors are faulted, not communicating with the RTM or when sensor data is not received by the BCM from the RTM. Possible Sources Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) RTM communication concern TPMS sensor(s) GWM BCM Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Pre-checks Inspect for cell phone chargers or GPS units. Inspect for Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wheels or run-flat tires. Verify horn operation. Verify spare tire is not in use. NOTE: Make sure all aftermarket electronic equipment has been disconnected (if possible) and the customer has been questioned about the electronic equipment they may have been using in the vehicle when this concern was identified. PINPOINT TEST A : B1182:00 A1 CHECK FOR COMMUNICATION WITH THE GWM (GATEWAY MODULE A) , THE RTM (RADIO TRANSCEIVER MODULE) AND THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the Network Test. Does the GWM, the RTM and the BCM all pass the Network Test? Yes GO to A2 No DIAGNOSE the GWM, RTM or BCM does not respond to the scan tool. REFER to: Communications Network (418-00 Module Communications Network) . A2 CHECK FOR RTM (RADIO TRANSCEIVER MODULE) DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the RTM self-test. Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) present in the RTM? Yes DIAGNOSE all RTM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). GO to the DTC Chart: RTM. No GO to A3 A3 CHECK THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) STATUS (TPMS_STATUS) PID (PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION) Using a diagnostic scan tool, view the BCM TPMS_STATUS PID. Does the TPMS_STATUS PID display SYSTEM FAULT? Yes GO to A4 No GO to A6 A4 CARRY OUT THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSOR TRAINING PROCEDURE Train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did all of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). No GO to A5 A5 REPEAT THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) TRAINING NOTE: A spare tire cannot be programmed to the vehicle. If a damaged road wheel is located in the vehicle and the RTM cannot communicate with it, or if the damaged wheel has been dropped off at a repair facility, the BCM sets a TPMS sensor fault. Repair and remount the road wheel as necessary to restore system operation. If the spare tire is in use, repair and remount the road wheel as necessary to restore system operation. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation). Move the vehicle to rotate the wheels at least one-fourth of a turn. Leave the vehicle doors open. Start the sensor training procedure at a different wheel. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did any of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes If only some of the sensors trained, INSTALL a new TPMS sensor for each sensor that failed to train. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). If all the sensors trained, the concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). No GO to A6 A6 CHECK FOR CORRECT BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) OPERATION Ignition OFF. Disconnect and inspect all BCM connectors. Repair: corrosion (replace connector or terminals - clean module pins) damaged or bent pins - replace terminals or pins pushed-out pins - replace pins as necessary Connect the BCM connectors. Make sure they seat and latch correctly. Operate the system and determine if the concern is still present. Is the concern still present? Yes The sensors may not be present. DISMOUNT the tires and VERIFY the sensors are present and mounted to the wheels. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Disassembly and Assembly). If a sensor is missing, INSTALL a new sensor. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). If all the sensors are present, CHECK OASIS for any applicable Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs). If a TSB exists for this concern, DISCONTINUE this test and FOLLOW the TSBinstructions. If no Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) address this concern, Click here to access Guided Routine (BCM). No The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). B124D:02 Normal Operation and Fault Conditions REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). Communication between the RTM and the TPMS sensors can be interrupted by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), which causes intermittent issues that are not vehicle concerns. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is generated by electrical motors and appliance operation, cellular telephones, remote transmitters, power inverters and portable entertainment equipment. DTC Fault Trigger Conditions DTC Description Fault Trigger Conditions B124D:02 Tire Pressure Sensor: General Signal Failure Set by the BCM in continuous memory when 1, 2 or 3 of the tire pressure sensors are faulted, not communicating with the RTM or when sensor data is not received by theBCM from the RTM. Possible Sources Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) One or more TPMS sensors not trained TPMS sensor(s) Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Pre-checks Inspect for customer electronic devices, such as cell phone chargers or GPS units. Inspect for Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wheels or run-flat tires. Verify horn operation. Verify spare tire is not in use. PINPOINT TEST B : B124D:02 B1 CHECK THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) STATUS (TPMS_STATUS) PID (PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION) AND SENSOR IDENTIFIERS Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, view and record the following BCM Parameter Identifications (PIDs): Left Front Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_LF) Right Front Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_RF) Left Rear Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_LRO) Right Rear Tire Transmitter Identifier (TPM_S_ID_RRO) View the BCM TPMS_STATUS PID. Does the BCM TPMS_STATUS PID display SENSOR FAULT? Yes GO to B2 No If the TPMS_STATUS PID displays SYSTEM FAULT, GO to Pinpoint Test A B2 CARRY OUT THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSOR TRAINING PROCEDURE Train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did all of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes Using a diagnostic scan tool, LOCATE the updated TPMS sensor identifiers trained to the BCM. COMPARE these values to those recorded prior to the TPMS sensor training procedure. Disregarding sensor position, any sensor identifiers not matching those retrieved from the module were changed, but not retrained. The sensors are now trained to the vehicle, diagnosis is complete. DOCUMENT all TPMS sensor identifiers on the applicable warranty claim. No GO to B3 B3 ATTEMPT TO TRAIN THE TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSORS AGAIN Move the vehicle to rotate the wheels at least one-fourth of a turn. Starting at a different wheel, train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did any of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes If only some of the sensors trained, INSTALL a new TPMS sensor for each sensor that failed to train. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). If all the sensors trained, the concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). No GO to B4 B4 CHECK FOR CORRECT BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) OPERATION Ignition OFF. Disconnect and inspect all BCM connectors. Repair: corrosion (replace connector or terminals - clean module pins) damaged or bent pins - replace terminals or pins pushed-out pins - replace pins as necessary Connect the BCM connectors. Make sure they seat and latch correctly. Operate the system and determine if the concern is still present. Is the concern still present? Yes The sensors may not be present. DISMOUNT the tires and VERIFY the sensors are present and mounted to the wheels. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Disassembly and Assembly). If the sensors are missing, INSTALL new sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). CLEAR the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). If all the sensors are present, CHECK OASIS for any applicable Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs). If a TSB exists for this concern, DISCONTINUE this test and FOLLOW TSBinstructions. If no Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) address this concern, Click here to access Guided Routine (BCM). No The system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by module connections. ADDRESS the root cause of any connector or pin issues. CLEAR the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). DTC Fault Trigger Conditions DTC Description Fault Trigger Conditions B124D:02 Tire Pressure Sensor: General Signal Failure This DTC sets in continuous memory if any of the TPMS sensors fail to transmit any tire pressure data. Possible Sources Tire pressure not set to specifications listed on the VC label Spare tire currently in use TPMS sensor Visual Inspection and Diagnostic Pre-checks Verify the spare tire is not in use. Verify the air pressure in all 4 tires matches the pressure indicated on the VC label. PINPOINT TEST E : TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) WARNING INDICATOR IS ON CONTINUOUSLY AND THE MESSAGE CENTER DISPLAYS LOW TIRE PRESSURE E1 CHECK FOR BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) Ignition ON. Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Is DTC B124D:02 present? Yes GO to E2 No For other BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), GO to the DTC Chart: BCM. If there are no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) present in the BCM, GO to E3 E2 VERIFY BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) DTC (DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE) B124D:02 Using a diagnostic scan tool, clear the BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Ignition OFF. Ignition ON. Activate each TPMS sensor. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Activation (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Using a diagnostic scan tool, carry out the BCM Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Is DTC B124D:02 present? Yes GO to E3 No If the TPMS warning indicator is on continuously and the message center is displaying low tire pressure, GO to E3 If the TPMS warning indicator is not illuminated and the message center does not display low tire pressure, the system is operating correctly at this time. The concern may have been caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). For information on locating sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - System Operation and Component Description (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Description and Operation). E3 CHECK FOR SPARE TIRE IN USE NOTE: A spare tire cannot be programmed to the vehicle. If a damaged road wheel is located in the vehicle and the RTM cannot communicate with it, or if the damaged wheel has been dropped off at a repair facility, the BCM sets a TPMS sensor fault. Repair and remount the road wheel as necessary to restore system operation. Check the spare tire location. Is the spare tire in use? Yes REPAIR and REMOUNT the wheel to the vehicle. REFER to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation). ADJUST tire pressures to the required pressure as defined on the VC label. No GO to E4 E4 CHECK FOR LOW TIRE PRESSURE Measure and record the pressure in all 4 tires using a digital tire pressure gauge. Adjust the pressure for those found to be below the specification listed on the VC label. To clear the low pressure warning indicator, drive the vehicle for at least 2 minutes above 32.2 km/h (20 mph) or activate each sensor at least twice. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Activation (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Do not train the sensors at this time. Has the TPMS warning indicator gone out? Yes The system is operating correctly at this time. The cause was low tire pressure. No GO to E5 E5 TRAIN ALL 4 TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSORS Train all 4 TPMS sensors. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor Location Calibration (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), General Procedures). Did all of the TPMS sensors train and did the horn sound when each sensor was trained? Yes GO to E6 No GO to Pinpoint Test G E6 CHECK THE TIRE PRESSURES USING THE BCM (BODY CONTROL MODULE) TPMS (TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM) SENSOR PARAMETER IDENTIFICATIONS (PIDS) Using a diagnostic scan tool, view the following BCM Parameter Identifications (PIDs): Left Front Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_LF) Right Front Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_RF) Left Rear Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_LRO) Right Rear Tire Pressure (TPM_PRES_RRO) Do the tire pressures indicated by the Parameter Identifications (PIDs) match the tire pressures measured previously, ±20.7 kPa (3 psi)? Yes The system is operating normally at this time. The concern may have been caused by an incomplete or incorrectly performed sensor calibration or low tire pressure. No INSTALL a new TPMS sensor(s) for the sensor(s) displaying inaccurate tire pressure. REFER to: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor (204-04B Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Removal and Installation). Спасибо! Цитата
Дима999 Опубликовано 15 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 15 Ноября 2016 В 07.11.2016 в 15:44, hippopony сказал: Я это понял) Они не должны отличаться принципиально. Да и 5 лет для батарейки немного. Они раньше передавали показатели? почему не должны отличаться? на 10-12г давление не показывали, только ошибку когда сядет батарейка или спустит колесо но если работали и показывали давление, то в батарейке дело из двух комплектов методом тыка вычислял мёртвые датчики за пару сезонов Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 16 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 16 Ноября 2016 (изменено) 14 часов назад, Дима999 сказал: почему не должны отличаться? на 10-12г давление не показывали, только ошибку когда сядет батарейка или спустит колесо но если работали и показывали давление, то в батарейке дело из двух комплектов методом тыка вычислял мёртвые датчики за пару сезонов 2 сезона вычислял?)) т.е. эти 2 сезона тебя не парила ошибка датчиков совсем?))) Я уже с ума схожу от этого восклиц!!!!! знака. Решила купить полный комплект датчиков для 2015 года - не думаю, что они частично сойдутся со старыми. Да и срок службы у них точно должен подойти к концу, т.к. они с машины 11 года) Изменено 16 Ноября 2016 пользователем Mery Цитата
KillBill Опубликовано 16 Ноября 2016 Жалоба Опубликовано 16 Ноября 2016 10 hours ago, Mery said: Да и срок службы у них точно должен подойти к концу, т.к. они с машины 11 года) Не нашёл у форда информации по батарейкам, крайслеровские свои заявленные 10 лет отрабатывают. Не знаю насколько логично наобум купить все датчики, а не съездить на диагностику. Так же логично, как и выход всех четырёх датчиков из строя) Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 17 Ноября 2016 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 17 Ноября 2016 (изменено) 14 часов назад, KillBill сказал: Не нашёл у форда информации по батарейкам, крайслеровские свои заявленные 10 лет отрабатывают. у мустанга заявлено 5 лет службы. Нужно иметь в виду, что датчики, начиная с 15 года автоматически прописываются в течение первых 30-ти миль. Те датчики, которые сейчас стоят в колесах с кузова от 11 года - эти датчики совсем другие. Если поставлю один датчик (правда уже сканер грешит на 2 датчика) при частичной замене - они, скорей всего, будут в конфликте с системой. Как раз свежий пост: Изменено 17 Ноября 2016 пользователем Mery Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 9 Марта 2017 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 9 Марта 2017 Датчики новые поставили вчера - пульт не нужен, они самостоятельно прописались. Цитата
Александр Викторович Опубликовано 29 Ноября 2017 Жалоба Опубликовано 29 Ноября 2017 В 09.03.2017 в 19:42, Mery сказал: Датчики новые поставили вчера - пульт не нужен, они самостоятельно прописались. На амазоне за 18 баксов? Цитата
Mery Опубликовано 3 Декабря 2017 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 3 Декабря 2017 В 29.11.2017 в 14:28, Александр Викторович сказал: На амазоне за 18 баксов? Уже не помню, кажется было чуть дороже) Цитата
gofer Опубликовано 15 Марта 2018 Жалоба Опубликовано 15 Марта 2018 Датчик покупал в емексе. Стоил около 1 т.р. Сам не прописался. Прописал через официалов 1,5 т.р. Цитата
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