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Как на v6 поставить выхлоп от v8


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Излазив весь гугл в поисках характеристик различных выхлопных систем для своего фокса, случайно наткнулся на интересную статью.

Если у кого-то есть мустанг v6, то на него можно вполне поставить выхлоп от v8.

Как оказалось - всего дел то....

Только на v6 из-за специфики очередности работы цилиндров не следует ставить H-Pipe, а оставить трубы идти раздельно:


Installing a GT-takeoff dual exhaust system on a 99+ Mustang V6

From 1999 to 2003, stainless steel Mustang GT exhaust systems were readily available as takeoffs sold by vendors such as Midwest Mustang in Kansas (email: ped5stang@aol.com), Saleen in California (800-888-8945), and Mustang Parts Specialties in Georgia (770-867-2644). After the 2004 model change these 1999-2003 takeoff exhaust systems became more difficult to find. You may have to look in a junkyard or find someone who is replacing the stock exhaust on a 1999-2003 GT. Are you a member of a Mustang car club? Ask around.

Before installing GT-takeoffs on a 99+ Mustang V6, you have to buy a few more parts and make a couple of decisions.

You need exhaust hangers for a 99+ Mustang GT. As you can see in the drawing above, the GT has hangers at the exhaust pipe tips, while the V6 does not.

Two rear tailpipe hangers (part XR3Z-5A246-AA) and one passenger-side muffler hanger (part XR3Z-5C263-AA) You can have the hangers made up by a muffler shop, but I recommend buying the Ford units.

If you use the Ford rear hangers without modification, your pipes will not clear the stock V6 bumper.

You need to decide how to deal with this. You can:

put shims under the rear hangers so that the pipes hang under the stock V6 bumper, or

buy a GT-rear bumper cover with cutouts for the pipes, or

make cutouts in the stock V6 bumper.

You need to remove your "Y" pipe, but leave your catalytic converters (assuming you want to stay emissions legal).

Ask the muffler shop to cut off the "Y" just behind the catalytic converters and weld on short sections of pipe to connect the cats to the GT-takeoff flanges. When making these short sections of pipe, the shop can salvage and reuse flanges from the stock single exhaust that comes off your car. Below are pictures of my installation.

Or you could ask the shop to fabricate an "H" pipe like the this. But as you can see, I chose to go with straight pipes. Here's why.

If your GT-takeoffs are like those shown at the top of this page (not cut in half for shipping), the muffler shop mechanic may tell you he has to "cut the pipes" before he can get them on the car. That's not true. Just tell him to raise the car by the body and unbolt the shocks to let the rear axle hang low. Then the takeoff exhaust pipes can be manipulated over the axle, working from the front of the car.

The total cost of my installation (in March 2001) was $280.00 That included: GT-takeoff exhausts ($89) plus shipping ($35), Ford hangers ($40), nuts & bolts for hangers ($6), and muffler shop charge ($110)


H-Pipe Equalizers

The firing order of all production V8?s, regardless of make, has one cylinder in each bank that will fire within 90 degrees of crankshaft rotation of another cylinder in the same bank. This occurs twice during completion of the entire firing order.

Mustang 4.6L V8

Firing order = 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8


4 8

3 7

2 6

1 5


The 1-3 and the 6-5 cylinders are on the same bank. When they fire, the two cylinders exhaust almost simultaneously into the same manifold and fight each other for space in the collector and exhaust pipe. While the two cylinders are firing, there is no activity in the opposite bank. The H-Pipe equalizer allows some of the excess pressure on one side to bleed over the quiet side of the exhaust system, resulting in smoother exhaust flow.

None of the above applies to the Mustang 3.8 L V6.

Mustang 3.8L V6

Firing order = 1-4-2-5-3-6


3 6

2 5

1 4


In every case, when one cylinder fires, the next one to fire is on the opposite bank. There is no need for an H-pipe equalizer on a Mustang V6.

Then why do some people still recommend including an H-pipe in their V6 exhaust system? Here are the arguments I've heard.

The H-pipe produces a venturi effect. As each exhaust pulse shoots past the equalizer tube it creates a slight vacuum and a pressure drop on the other side of the tube. In an even-fire V6 engine, this occurs just as the next exhaust pulse leaves the opposite cylinder bank. As the pressure drop alternates from side to side it reduces back pressure and allows the exhaust gases to travel more freely through the system. [An interesting theory, but not one, so far as I know, advanced by any manufacturer of H- or X-pipes. ]

No exhaust manifold flows perfectly. Even with the V6's even firing sequence, there will still be momentary pressure imbalances between the two banks of cylinders. [Probably true]

The H-pipe produces a better exhaust sound than straight pipes. [?]

The H-pipe will eliminate the crackle-pop sounds you sometimes get with dual exhaust. [My system doesn't crackle-pop.]

The choice is yours. I went with straight pipes.

И вообще это полезный сайтец по тунинху v6 :)


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И правда прикольный сайт :rolleyes: Я час не мог оторваться!!!!

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На V6 флоумастер делает специальный выхлоп а-ля 5.0 Себе как раз такой заказал :rolleyes:

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

На V6 флоумастер делает специальный выхлоп а-ля 5.0 Себе как раз такой заказал :rolleyes:

Мы ленивые ты картинку или ссылку выложи чтоли. :rolleyes:
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А я вот решил вот такое себе забабахать:


Pypes perfomance, 2,5 инчей

У меня как раз волею судеб задний бампер от GT B)

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  • 5 месяцев спустя...

А я вот решил вот такое себе забабахать:


Pypes perfomance, 2,5 инчей

У меня как раз волею судеб задний бампер от GT B)

Привет , А что на простой бампер не встанет ? ты ее вообше поставил ?? как звучек ??? пожалуйста есми не затруднит напиши на почту zubkov_tranzitdv@mail.ru я просто в дилеме либо такую либо MagnaFlow 15717 взять Заранее спасибо Марк
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Привет , А что на простой бампер не встанет ? ты ее вообше поставил ?? как звучек ??? пожалуйста есми не затруднит напиши на почту zubkov_tranzitdv@mail.ru я просто в дилеме либо такую либо MagnaFlow 15717 взять Заранее спасибо Марк

Как выяснилось встанет и на обычный бампер (в комплекте идёт разный крепёж для всех типов). Звучок меня разочаровал, но это смотря какого звука хочешь добиться, кому-то нравится даже очень. Ощущения описывал здесь

Комплект от Magna он включает себя то, что после катов, т.е трубы сначала будут идти раздельно, потом за катами соединятся в одну, а затем уже будет раздвоение.

Поэтому уверен что такой прибавки в мощности как от Pypes не получить, но звук наверное будет гораздо лучше.

p.s. Иметь Мустанг во Владике это наверное не просто круто, а нереально круто (говорю как житель города с явным преобладанием пруля)

Изменено пользователем Naz Gul
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